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Androgenic or testosterone-like effects of steroids are least wanted in females. Most of these effects may vanish with the discontinuation of steroid use. Nonetheless, women do require PCT (post cycle therapy) for complete recovery.
The reasons for PCT differ among the genders. In men, it is required to normalize the production of testosterone, and also to prevent aromatization of testosterone and its conversion to estrogen. However, women do not need to revive testosterone production much as in them it is not considerably suppressed by steroids. Nor they need to prevent the conversion of testosterone to estrogen (due to aromatization) – since estrogen is not bad for them.
Nonetheless, PCT is quite essential for a female to minimize the side effects of steroid cycles and regularize their periods. Further, they need such therapy to treat possible mood swings and reduce the risk of developing other mood disorders like depression. PCT helps estrogen levels in women to rebound.
In short, PCT is essential for both men and women, though reasons may differ a bit.
Although PCT is a complex science, however, PCT is more straightforward in women, thus can be implemented with lesser knowledge when compared to PCT in men.
Nolvadex (Tamoxifen) is often regarded as the drug of the first choice for PCT due to the high level of safety. It is a SERM – selective estrogen receptor modulator.
It is one of the best ways to bring back hormone levels to normal and has mild side effects like nausea, headaches, and in some cases hot flashes.
The most commonly recommended dose is 20 to 40 mg a day. Higher doses would not necessarily help better but can cause more side effects.
If PCT is for short term like one or two weeks, then it is better to take 40 mg. If one plans to be on PCT for a more extended time like for four weeks, than 20 mg may suffice. Many specialists recommend taking 40 mg for two weeks, followed by 20 mg for another two weeks.
Clomid (clomiphene) is another highly popular PCT drug. It is also a SERM.
It is widely used to treat infertility in women, to induce ovulation. Although Nolvadex also helps treat infertility in women, however, Clomid remains a more popular option.
Clomid is regarded as the most potent drug for PCT. Yet, Nolvadex is preferred over it due to a better safety profile, fewer side effects. Clomid is suggested in more severe cases, or when Nolvadex does not give expected results.
If one plans to take it only for two weeks, then the recommended dose is 50 mg daily. However, four-week treatment is recommended for most; in such a case, two weeks of 50 mg daily must be followed by another two weeks of 25 mg.
Higher doses may be taken by those on high doses of multiple steroids (those stacking the steroids).
Side effects with Clomid are nastier like vision blurring, mood swings, or headaches.
To conclude, it is essential to understand for anyone taking steroids that PCT is not an option rather a necessity; it is part of the game. However, the strategy or preference of drugs in women may differ. Women require a lesser dosage of medications. Some of the PCT supplements or drugs like aromatase inhibitors may not be of much use. SERM remains the right choice.