Testabol Depot, British Dragon
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Testabol Depot, British Dragon
- Name: Testabol Depot, British Dragon
- Effective substance: Testosterone Cypionate
- Content: 200mg/ml (10ml)
- Administration: intramuscular injection
- Known as: test-c, testc
With a good Test-C cycle, nearly every benefit can be obtained. For the off-season bodybuilder, lean muscle mass can be built with less body fat gain.
The effects of Test-C- can be beneficial during the cutting phase too. The longer and harder you diet the more muscle and strength will be at risk, but thanks to Testabol Depot muscle tissue and strength are protected.
Test-c defines performance enhancement by its ability to promote recovery and endurance. Your body can recover faster and you wont tire out as quickly. This will allow you to workout longer and harder.